< Dani Harmer Academy is now an approved LAMDA Private Centre | Workshops coming soon | Scholarships available >

Dani Harmer Productions Ltd is a new company, set up to run alongside the Academy.
Our first production "Dancing With Dani" is touring the UK, giving local theatre/dance schools the opportunity to perform alongside Dani, The Harmerettes and celebrity guests.
Our first performance was in October 2018 at Weymouth Pavilion and proved a huge success. We had the pleasure of Evolution Dance, Mercury Dance, Caron Parry, Dorchester Ballet & Dance and QTA join us, it was a great day with all students and staff coming together in the spirit of performing arts.
Check out dates for our other venues and if your school is interested in participating, please do not hesitate to get in touch at info@daniharmeracademy.com
Watch a highlights video of "Dancing With Dani Camberley"
Please note a separate website for DHP will follow shortly.